Saturday, May 9, 2009

Prayer for a Stranger

One thing life in the Bay Area gives us in abundance is the opportunity to encounter strangers. Without knowing the particulars of a stranger’s life, there are a few things that I think we can pray for everyone we meet.

“Lord, I pray for this stranger’s prosperity,
that he has useful, honest work to do,
that he does it well
that he is fairly compensated,
that he is wise with his money,
and that he will be secure in his future.

“But more than this, I pray for his health,
that his body and brain will be free of disease, pain, and excessive limitations,
that he will live as long as You intended for us,
and will enjoy those many years.

“But more than this, I pray for his virtue,
that he will be honorable in his dealings with strangers,
loving to friends and family members,
fair to work associates,
generous to the unfortunate,
and kind to his future self.

“But much more than all this,
I pray for this stranger’s salvation,
because I believe that no matter how prosperous, healthy, and virtuous he is,
his body will one day die
and his soul will live on,
and that the eternal life of that soul depends—entirely—on his need for a Savior.”

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